
The financial screen is the most used function of UBpro. This page will display the various views of your financial data.

Item Detail: Item detail will on any highlighted item show the breakdown of the transaction, if you also double click the transaction it will also show the breakdown. An example is if you double click a payment, it will show all components of that payment.

Open Items: Open Items are amounts that have not been completely paid, it will show the amount of the item paid and the balance to be paid. (UBpro always pays the oldest item first).

Sales financial1

Notes: The ability to place notes on the customer record is a valuable tool for special arrangements for payments, or any information you need to save.

Transactions: All transactions that were process or adjusted will show on the customers transaction screen.

Bill Images: Bill Images allows you to re-print any bill that was ever given to the customer Under bill Images you can select the bill and double click to re-print that bill.

Deposits: View any deposits applied or placed on the customers record.

Customers Screens

Payment Screens

System Status Screen

Financial Screens

Reports Screens

Late Charge Screens


Rates Screens

