
Customer Inquiry/edit: This the primary information center, from here you can view all information on a customer.

Search: The search feature will allow you to search the database for old account Number, Names, address, user defined    fields and Phone Number.

Address: There are two addresses per customer, the service address and the billing address. Every account must have a service address that is unique to them. Mailing addresses can be changed at anytime as well as their email.

Financial: Financial information can be see under Financial Screen.

Rates & Billing: Is where you control the charges applied to each customer, see Rates Screen.

Usage History: Usage is recorded here for not only the usages but the readings and whether the reading was abnormal.

Sales customer1

Other Information: Contains the draft billing, Landlord and user defined fields information.

Meter Information: This field contains the meter reading and date of reading for the meter and the secondary meter if one is added.

Customers Screens

Payment Screens

System Status Screen

Financial Screens

Reports Screens

Late Charge Screens


Rates Screens

